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About Us - Our Approach

Today there are too many Coaches and Counsellors who go into practice (delivery of service) having studied a course and got a “piece of paper”. The problem is that they lack the relevant life experience to go with it. They hide behind psychometric testing and other paper tools but miss the most important tool... the person being coached.

Your life is not a text book exercise to us.
You are a unique individual and deserve to be treated as such.

Your Focus Coach will have gone through the highs and lows of what life has to give. It is important to us that your Coach has a diverse background as we want you to feel secure in the knowledge that your Coach can understand your issues, empathise with your situation and not judge you.

Remember the fact that you are reading this, shows that you have taken your first positive step towards change!

About Us – Who

As a Coach, we are too often told how friends and family are quick to hand out advice without understanding or the knowledge to help them move forwards. Even worse, is when it becomes apparent that the advice was given with a well intended but hidden agenda.


Focus Coaching has worked with people from all walks of life including Business owners, Clergymen, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Lecturers, Managers, Teachers and even Politicians...

Most people, including professionals, need support at some point in their lives and coaching gives them what they need.


Professional Experience

Your Focus Coach will work with you and support you to get to where you want to get, or achieve what you need to achieve. We have tools and skills at our disposal that we will use to get the best from you. You are the master of your destiny; your coach just keeps you on track and provides the FOCUS!!

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Focus Coaching & Training 2019
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