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Dyslexia in Business - Dyslexic talents for business

You may have employees that are very capable but demonstrate some difficulties in the work place. It is sad to report but many adult dyslexics are undiagnosed and will have difficulties that they cannot seem to overcome and without any explanation. This is often leading to stress and even depression due to feeling defeated or embarrassed that they struggle with a task that should be simple (in principle).

Dyslexics do however have many natural strengths and abilities that are beneficial to business and industry. It is worth noting that BBC research revealed that 40% of Britain's top entrepreneurs are Dyslexic!
A more recent study by the Cass Business School established a 35% correlation between dyslexia and entrepreneurism in the US. Some of these business successes include...

·         Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company),

·         Theo Paphitis (Dragon),

·         Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA),

·         Tommy Hilfiger (Hilfiger Clothing),

·        Richard Branson (Virgin),

·         Steven Spielberg (Amblin Films),

·        Anita Roddick (The Body Shop),

·         William Hewlett (Hewlett-Packard),

·        Thomas J. Watson, Jr. (IBM),

·         Steve Jobs (Apple).

Image – Clockwise from top-left


What employers may not be aware of is that Dyslexia is formally recognised in law as a learning disability and therefore an employer has a duty under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2005, to make reasonable adjustments to alleviate the difficulties.

It is not all negative news for employers, as dyslexics can excel in the work place with the right kind of support which, in most cases, can be addressed with modern computer based technologies and by developing practical coping strategies.


Financial Support Available

As Dyslexia is a recognised condition, employers are able to receive government funding (between 80-100% of cost) to provide such supportive aids for the sole use of the employee.

This is through a scheme called Access to Work. This involves an assessor from Job Centre Plus (DWP) assessing the needs of the individual within the work place. They will then make practical recommendations for which funding can then be accessed.

By combining this technological support with our Dyslexic Coaching service, your dyslexic employee can focus their abilities and efforts on their working duties, improve their performance, reduce stress and become a happier, more productive worker.

If you have suspicions about your employees or self, we can advise/arrange a screening or provide a full diagnostic evaluation to test for dyslexia in adults.

This will identify strengths and weaknesses and combined with coaching, ensures that they can come to accept their failings as the condition and not a personal failing. With the correct support and strategies, they can grow to become an asset to your business.

Make your business dyslexia friendly and become one of the top 40%!!

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